
The following tutorials are meant to give you a jump start in applying the tools of Simple-HOHMM. To see what model attributes are adjustable, view the API Reference.


The following example is adapted from Wikipedia.

Suppose villagers are either healthy or have a fever. Fevers are diagnosed by the doctor asking patients how they feel (normal, dizzy, or cold). Assuming their health can be modeled by a discrete Markov chain, the observations are (normal, dizzy, cold) and the hidden states are (healthy, fever). The doctor has seen patients in the past, and kept that data. The observations are in one list and the states are in another such that states[i] corresponds to observations[i]:

observations = [
        ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','normal','normal'],
        ['cold', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'normal','normal','normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'dizzy', 'cold', 'normal', 'dizzy', 'normal'],
        ['normal', 'normal', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'dizzy', 'dizzy']
states = [
        ['healthy', 'healthy', 'fever', 'fever', 'healthy', 'healthy'],
        ['healthy', 'fever', 'fever', 'healthy', 'healthy', 'fever'],
        ['fever', 'fever', 'fever', 'healthy', 'healthy', 'healthy'],
        ['healthy', 'healthy', 'healthy', 'fever', 'fever', 'fever']

We can now build a first order Hidden Markov Model based on the observations and states above:

from SimpleHOHMM import HiddenMarkovModelBuilder as Builder
builder = Builder()
builder.add_batch_training_examples(observations, states)
hmm = builder.build()

Now suppose a patient has been seeing the doctor for three days and felt (normal, cold, dizzy). What might the doctor guess about this patient’s health? This is solved with Viterbi decoding:

obs =  ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy']
states = hmm.decode(obs)
print(states) # prints: ['healthy', 'healthy', 'fever']

We can also determine the likelihood of a patient feeling (normal, cold, dizzy):

obs = ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy']
likelihood = hmm.evaluate(obs)
print(likelihood) # prints: 0.0433770021525


For this example, we will use the same observations and states as the Supervised example. Here we initialize our model just as before:

from SimpleHOHMM import HiddenMarkovModelBuilder as Builder
builder = Builder()
builder.add_batch_training_examples(observations, states)
hmm = builder.build()

From here we can improve the model’s training even further by exposing it to observations it has not seen before. Since we are using a small set, we will limit the learning process to one iteration instead of delta convergence by utilizing the iterations=1 parameter. Also, we use k_smoothing=0.05 to avoid cases of zero probability:

sequences = [
                ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy','normal','normal'],
                ['normal', 'cold', 'normal','dizzy','normal'],
                ['dizzy', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','cold','normal'],
                ['dizzy', 'dizzy', 'normal','normal','normal'],
                ['cold', 'cold', 'dizzy','normal','normal'],
                ['normal', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','normal','cold'],
                ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'cold'],
                ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy']
hmm.learn(sequences, k_smoothing=0.05, iterations=1)

We now determine the updated likelihood and hidden state sequence. Notice that running hmm.learn() has increased the likelihood of our observation:

obs = ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy']
print(hmm.evaluate(obs)) # prints 0.052111435936
print(hmm.decode(obs)) # prints ['healthy', 'fever', 'fever']


In fully unsupervised scenarios, we build and train a model with no prior training examples to draw from. The only data we supply to our model is the set of possible observations, the set of possible hidden states, and a collection of observation sequences to optimize for.

We first gather the data to supply to our model:

possible_observations = ['normal', 'healthy', 'dizzy']
possible_states = ['healthy', 'fever']
sequences = [
        ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy','normal','normal'],
        ['normal', 'cold', 'normal','dizzy','normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','cold','normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'dizzy', 'normal','normal','normal'],
        ['cold', 'cold', 'dizzy','normal','normal'],
        ['normal', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','normal','cold'], #start new here
        ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','normal','normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'normal','normal','normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'normal','normal','normal'],
        ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'dizzy','cold','normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'dizzy', 'dizzy', 'dizzy', 'cold', 'cold'],
        ['cold', 'cold', 'cold', 'normal', 'dizzy', 'normal'],
        ['dizzy', 'normal', 'cold', 'cold', 'dizzy', 'dizzy']

There are two initial distributions to choose from, either uniform or random. This selection applies to model parameters A, B, pi. In our case we will initialize with a random distribution:

from SimpleHOHMM import HiddenMarkovModelBuilder as Builder
builder = Builder()
hmm = builder.build_unsupervised(

We can view the initial model parameters, train our model using Baum-Welch EM, then again view our parameters to see how they have been modified:

hmm.learn(sequences, k_smoothing=0.001)

Results may be inconsistent due to the random initial distributions. You can play with different k_smoothing values, delta values, and sequence selection. Of course, train on prior examples where possible.